Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Welcome to my new blog!  This is my second attempt at one and this time I am determined to keep up with it.  I created Lady Jewell (a really dumb name) a few years ago and made exactly one post.  Times have changed since I created that one and I have no sweet clue how to sign into it anymore.  So I am starting fresh for 2011!

I always thought I wouldn't have enough to say to keep a blog.  I still think that, actually.  I'll do my best though.  It probably won't be interesting enough for some of you, but it's just for fun!

One of my (many) goals for 2011 is to keep a blog.  Other goals that I made include:

  • Drink less Pepsi
  • Eat out less
  • Keep up UFIT bootcamp and twice a week workouts with my Mom friends
You will notice that these first three goals all relate to being healthy/skinny.  That's because I need to lose this baby weight.  I put it on for a fantastic reason but it's time for it to GO!!  The one about the Pepsi is going to be the most difficult by far.  It's like my alcohol.  I feel better knowing I have it in the fridge.  I need to have it in the fridge.  I don't know how to choose water over Pepsi.  I just don't know how.  Any tips would be appreciated!

The second one will be hard too but easier in the winter when I don't get out as much because of the weather and the bad roads.

The third one is probably the easiest for me right now which is so hard to believe.  This time last year I would never have guessed I would be back to exercising four times a week.  It's all thanks to people who keep me motivated and hold me accountable (thanks Cheryl!).  Oh, and the $100 per 5 weeks I have to shell out for bootcamp. 

I have more goals (notice I choose to say goals rather than resolutions - I think it's because I feel less pressure when I say goals) for this new year but I will leave those for another day, and another post.

Thanks for reading everyone - I hope you'll stick with me as I try to make 2011 my second best year yet (I don't think I will ever top 2010 thanks to the cutie pie in my picture :)

PS - I encourage all of you to start blogs and send me along the links.  I love reading them!


  1. Love it! Look forward to reading lots of posts from you! I definitely think you'll find lots to write about. :)

    Your goals are awesome and I fully support you in all of them. As for the Pepsi, YOU CAN DO IT!!! Just don't keep it in the house and then you won't be tempted (this is what I'm attempting to do with chips)!


  2. Congrats on the new blog Sherri! Love the title. I look forward to following your battle with Pepsi addiction. I also have a Coke habit that I'm hoping to kick this year.

    Keep it up!


  3. Welcome to Blogger :). I look forward to hearing about your many adventures. Good luck with your 2011 goals. I don't make "resolutions", either ;).
