Friday, January 7, 2011

Exercise is good for the soul

Happy Friday everyone!

Exercise has become an important part of my life in the past couple of months.  I am determined to get back to a healthier, in-shape me.  I have only been "fit" once in my life, several years ago when I was going to a women's gym.  My bestie and I were working out for an hour and a half to two hours a day, six days a week.  We loved it.  Eventually boredom and life got in the way and after eight months or so I stopped going.  I've never found anything that kept me interested and motivated since then. 

I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy.  About 40 pounds.  I have about 15 pounds left to go.  That is, I have 15 pounds to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  That isn't my goal weight though.  My goal weight would be about another 10 pounds less than that.  It seems like a staggering amount.  I know I can do it, though. 

It's a lot easier to feel confident about losing the weight when I have found an exercise routine that I love and that I know I can stick with.  Two days a week my Mom friends and our babies get together and workout.  The workout is 30 seconds of a particular exercise followed by about a minute or so of cardio.  Our fearless leader Cheryl makes up the workouts and keeps us going.  We encourage each other and help each other.  It's awesome.  It's a tough workout too!  Two other days a week Cheryl and I go to UFIT bootcamp.  She convinced me to do this in November.  I didn't want to try it at all.  I thought I would be too out of shape, an outcast, and just not good enough, to be frank.  Was I ever wrong!  It's the best thing I could have done for myself.  Gord, the instructor, is amazing.  The other bootcampers are amazing.  There are people of all different shapes, sizes, and ages.  Everyone feels welcome and everyone helps keep each other going.  It is the hardest thing I have ever done in terms of exercise but I CAN DO IT!  

Last night was the first workout of the second session of bootcamp (they are five weeks long).  We were joined by our good friend Jill who is a fellow Mom and the three of us kicked butt.  I was amazed at how much more I was able to do in comparison to my first session in November.  I have come such a long way and it is the best feeling. 

When I got home last night my face was purple.  I was soaked with sweat.  I was stinky.  I was sore.  I was out of breath.  I felt FANTASTIC!  I started thinking about how everytime I get through one of these workouts, whether it be bootcamp or the Momma fitness group, I feel soooo good.  I can't even explain it.  I'm happier.  I feel like I can do anything! 

I really encourage any of you who feel like you could use some exercise in your life to really get yourself moving.  Believe me, I was terrified to start bootcamp.  I was sooo nervous that first day.  I felt like I was going to throw up before I left and told Cory that I felt like I was off to my first day of school or at a new job.  As soon as I started though, all my fears were gone.  There are lots of different exercise programs and groups out there and I'm sure a lot of them are great.  I can speak from experience that UFIT is an awesome environment and you definitely feel safe there.  The UFIT classes that they have are much easier than bootcamp if you want to start off slower.  You can work at your own pace and you don't have to pay a large sum of money up front - it's just $5 a class and you just drop in to the class, no sign up required.  Give it a try and if want a harder challenge, think about signing up for bootcamp February!!  Also, the group of Moms and I that workout would love to see some new faces!  You don't have to be a Mom to go - anyone is welcome!  Look up the group New Mommas Fitness on Facebook if you are interested.  We usually work out Mondays and Fridays around 11 or 11:30 at the Stratford Town Hall.  It's really fun!  And it's free!

What exercise programs make you feel like you could do anything?  Share with me!


  1. I am so proud of you for doing this and for sticking with the exercise! I agree - it's so much easier to workout when you enjoy it! I love our Mommy workouts as much for the social aspect as the exercise! As you know, I adore Ufit too! They are the reason I looked great on my wedding day and now I hope they'll be the reason I lose my baby weight! It's so hard to explain to people how much fun it is and how amazing you feel after! Many people have such a negative outlook on exercise and it's something they dread! They need to find what we have found, because now we get excited about exercising! :) Anyways, look at me rambling away. So happy I have you to workout with - you rock! :)

  2. P90X was the best thing I have ever done for my body. I worked out, was fit and strong and ate well. I can't wait to have that feelings again. As you know - when you feel strong and fit, it's euphoric!

  3. Thanks Cheryl! Your support is so important to me!

    Jill - Even trying to get to that place again and seeing progress little by little gives me that euphoric feeling. When I meet my goals I'm sure it will be even better. I'm sure you'll get that feeling back soon! Are you doing P90X again?
