Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Aaah sleep, how I have missed you!

Hello friends!

I started this day off in such a great place.  I awoke sometime past four o'clock this morning to find that Harrison had yet to wake up.  Not unheard of...sometimes he doesn't need to feed until five or so.  I listened to make sure I heard breathing and then went back to dreamland (which by the way included a very real dream of the Leafs winning the Cup and me waking up my Dad to tell him....a sign of things to come perhaps?).  I awoke again to Cory's alarm at 6, certain that he would be up within minutes.  Cory was off to work and he still wasn't awake.  Back to sleep I went until I woke up to his babbling at 8.  That's right my friends.  Harrison went to bed last night at 7:45 pm and slept until 8 am.  It was delicious.  I actually felt rested when I got up and jumped up as soon as I heard this talking.  Normally I lay there hoping he'll go back to sleep as I struggle to wake myself up.  You see his nights are usually like this:  I put him down sometime between 7 or 8 depending on when his last nap was and how tired he is, and he usually gets up three or four times needing me to re-swaddle him (his arms find their way out sometimes), put his sleep giraffe sounds back on, or put the soother in his mouth.  He always gets up once to feed as well.  It's a lot of me groaning as I get out of bed and stumbling my way into his room, doing whatever it is he needs me to do, stumbling back to bed, and trying to fall back asleep.  So, needless to say, this was a welcome change of pace.  He has slept through the night two other times before.  I really hope he'll continue with this pattern.

However, the happy baby who woke me up slowly turned into a not so happy baby as the day went on.  Usually Harrison is very good and pretty easy to figure out.  He eats every four hours, and he usually naps every two hours daily.  I think his nap schedule is changing, though.  He doesn't seem to need as much sleep during the day now.  I think he is almost ready for a two nap a day routine, but I guess right now he usually naps about three times.  The time between naps and feedings is spent playing on his mat, in his vibrating chair, on my lap, in his exersaucer, and occasionally in his Bumbo or playing with toys in his high chair.  We also get out to his friends' houses and to fitness class twice a week.  Anyway, today he was not happy doing any of these things for more than five minutes.  He was full out, red-in-the-face crying a couple of times which is very rare.  I knew he was tired this afternoon and put him down in his crib for a nap.  He woke up crying after maybe half an hour and I knew he couldn't have had enough sleep.  I went down and soothed him and put him back down.  He slept for over three hours!  I couldn't believe it, especially since he had slept 12 hours straight last night and his morning nap was about an hour.  He must have been really tired.  I had to get Cory to go wake him up as he hadn't eat in over five hours.  He was not a happy camper to have been woken up either, but I didn't want his routine to get too messed up.

Once he woke up and saw his Daddy (his favourite person), he was very happy.  He spent the rest of the evening yelling and squealing which is his new thing.  I hate it when Cory comes home and asks me how he was today, I say "not so good" or pretty cranky", and then he is an angel for the rest of the night.  I look like a liar!  Oh well.  There could be worse things.  Like if he continued to be cranky for the entire evening! 

He is most definitely teething as I can feel two raised nubs on his bottom gums.  I know teething can account for the crankiness but does it ever make them sleep more?  That really long nap this afternoon has me stumped.  He'll be six months on the 27th...perhaps an early growth spurt?

I managed to snap a couple happy pics during the five minutes he was happy.  Cute as a button!

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