Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More of my 2011 plans!

Hey everyone!  Look at me, it's day two of my blog and I am working on my second post.  Yes!!  I have already made more progress than the last time I tried to do this. 

So, yesterday I shared with you a few of my goals for this new year.  They all pertained to the same thing - getting healthy and back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  Actually, let's make that back to my wedding weight.

Today I have a few more goals to share with you.  They may seem small and pointless to all of you but I want to remember every single moment of Harrison's first year.  I find myself already forgetting the details of his birth.  I am always asking my husband to "tell me the story of when I went into labour."  haha. 

So some more of my goals include to print off all the pictures I take of him regularly.  If you have me on facebook - which I'm guessing you do if you are reading this - you know I take a lot of pics of our little Harrison.  Kind of a proud Momma!  I need to print these pictures off and put them in photo albums, so I have hard evidence of all the fun we had and all the cuteness that was his first year.  You may be aware that I have few photos of me as a baby.  My brother has an entire album of just his first few days!  Kinda bitter about that!  Just kidding, Mom.  It's the classic first child thing.  I'm sure I'll be the same.  Who will have time to take pictures, print them off, and put them in albums when you have a new baby and a young child running around?  Anyway - so I have all his pictures up to November printed off but only up until September or so are in the album.  I have a lot of work ahead of me.  It may seem like a such a simple task, but let me tell you I am good at procrastinating.

Next, I have yet to write a single thing in his baby book.  I really want to work on this.  I don't have a baby book, but I love to look back on sentimental things like photos and journals and all that good stuff from my childhood.  So, I want Harrison to have that too.  I want him to have a record of all his important milestones.  I want to be able to one day share with him the details of my pregnancy, his birth, his first few days, and his first few months (when he is old enough to care).  I want to be able to show it to his girlfriend and have him be all embarrassed about it.  It will be so fun!  So yeah, I need to work on that.

Finally, I want to do up a scrapbook of his first year.  Yes, I know, this is some first year overload.  I told you I was a proud Mom, didn't I?  I got this really cute, colourful animal scrapbook.  It's really adorable.  We love animals in this family, so it's very appropriate.  Anyway, it is just sitting in the plastic wrap filled with pretty paper and fun stickers just waiting for me to be creative!  Creativity is important.  I am not a creative person, though.  I want to be!  I will be.  

There are still a few more goals to go - I guess I am being ambitious this year.  I'll talk about those tomorrow!  Thanks for reading.  I would love to hear any of your goals for 2011 if you want to share :)

PS -  I wanted to say I'm not an expert on grammar.  I'm sure I'll make lots of mistakes so just ignore them if you can!

1 comment:

  1. I bought a great scrapbook at Walmart. The pages are already in there and lots of stickers and other scrap book items. It's like 50% put together and 50% left for you to fill in. I figure being busy, this will be the best way.
