Thursday, January 6, 2011

Quick Thoughts on The Bachelor

I finally watched the season premiere of The Bachelor.  I am never a big fan of the first episode.  I just find it more awkward than anything.  Oh well, I got through it.  I like Brad.  I think he's handsome and I LOVE his accent.  I never watched his first season on The Bachelor so I didn't have any negative feelings about him to start.  I was disappointed that it wasn't Chris from Ali's season, though! 

One thing that got to me from this episode is how mad these women are at him.  Can someone explain to me what exactly he did that was so terrible?  He got slapped and tore down from these women because he didn't propose to someone for the sake of TV?  Because he didn't fall in love?  Because he didn't pretend to be in the best relationship of his life only to break up weeks later and hash it out on a TV special (Jake and Vienna anyone?)?  I don't get it.  I understand why the audience would be disappointed but the guy doesn't deserve
all the bullsh** he is taking in my opinion. 

Like I said, though, I understand why the audience would feel cheated after watching every week only to have him not choose anyone.  That is why I always read Reality Steve's column before each season starts.  There is no way I am going to watch every episode and think he is perfect for one or two girls only to have him choose the worst girl at the end.  I just won't do that to myself.  I won't ever comment on what will happen at the end though, so don't worry. 

What do you guys think of Brad? 

1 comment:

  1. He's a dufus. I don't have an preconceived notions about his dufus-ness based on the last time he was showcased as the Bach, though. I always thought he had it in him. The reason why America hates his guts though, is based on how he got to the point of standing them both up. He led them both (if memory serves me) to believe that they were 'the one', and did so right down to the final time he saw them before the "final rose". But no worries, after *intensive* therapy he's over the fact that his dad was missing in his life, so he's therefore now ready for a commitment. ;) My sarcasm is intended...and I am actually looking forward to how this season plays out.
